At St. Anthony’s School, as a member of the Catholic
Christian community, our goal is to
strive to educate all students to live the gospel of Jesus Christ as
successful, creative and confident, active and informed learners, empowered to
shape and enrich our world.
We believe in creating an environment where we cater
for the unique developmental needs, interests, and learning preferences
of individual children.
Children learn best when they:
- Make connections between
their diverse prior experiences and learning in the school setting
- Participate in making
- Make choices and
contribute to learning experiences
- Share their opinions and
diverse experiences
- Discuss their learning
- Learn in a responsive
and supportive social environment
- Learn through
multi-sensory experiences
- Participate actively in
experiences that engage them emotionally, physically, cognitively and socially
Our learning environment provides opportunities for children to
engage in purposeful and real life learning. It fosters the capacity within
each student to engage in the curriculum so that they can achieve their
potential and play an active role in society.