
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Thank you for your expression of interest in educating your child at St Anthony’s.​

We are accepting applications for Prep 2027, 2028 and 2029

​​Prep 2026 applications have closed

                                                    Click here to discover an Education to believe in at St Anthony's!​

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​Principal Tours

Join us for our School Tour and experience our warm, nurturing community where every student is valued, celebrated and inspired to reach their full potential.

Immerse yourself in our campus, meet our School Principal, and envision your future as part of our vibrant educational community. Reserve your spot at our next tour and discover the best of St Anthony's School, Kedron.​

Book a tour ​​​​​​

Wednesday 5th March 2025 @ 9.15am​

Thursday 27th March @ 9.15am

Wednesday 23rd April @ 9.15am

Tuesday 6th May @ 9.15am

Please click below to register your interest in a school tour.  


How to enrol

​Click on the 'Enrol now' button below to submit your enrolment application.​


Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee the enrolment of your child. Enrolment will depend upon the availability of an appropriate placement for your child and the satisfactory completion of an interview between yourself/yourselves and the principal in accordance with our Enrolment Policy.

Enrolment Policy

St Anthony’s Kedron was established by the Franciscan Sisters and Friars and the people of the Kedron Parish to provide for the educational needs of the children of Parish families from Prep to Year 6. The primary purpose of the school is to nurture and educate the whole child through and by the principles, traditions and teachings of the church and within a Franciscan community of faith.

In assisting the school to plan for each year, the following procedures exist for prep enrolments and all other year level enrolments.

Enrolment Application and Support Process (E​ASP)

An enrolment application for a child with diverse needs will be assessed according to the school community’s ability to provide a quality education for them. This will be assessed using the ​Enrolment Application Support Process Flow Chart​ set out by Brisbane Catholic Education.

Preparatory year (Prep):

An invitation to enrol siblings for Prep is provided through the school newsletter and on the website ​throughout the school year prior to the closing date. ​ All parents who want their enrolment to be considered under the enrolment priority criteria 1 will be required to complete appropriate enrolment procedures by 28th February of the year prior to the commencement of Prep.

After this date, sibling enrolments will be processed with the other applications through priority criteria 2-6.​

Prep eligibility DOB

The table below is a guide to when children are eligible to enrol in the preparatory year at St Anthony's.

Children Born    Eligible for Prep   Eligible for Year 1
1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021
             2026             2027
​​1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022
​             2027
​             2028
​​1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
​             2028
​             2029
​1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
​             2029
​             2030


All other year levels:

Applications for enrolment need to be submitted by the end of Term 1 in the year prior the enrolment.  Applications for Years 1 to 6 are reviewed in Term 2 and 3 of the year prior to the enrolment year.  The submitted applications will be reviewed to determine the availability of places available in that year level, and if a vacancy has been confirmed, an interview will be conducted by the Principal with the family.  If you are offered a place at St Anthony's, a letter of offer will be emailed to those families.

Enrolment at St Anthony’s Kedron does not guarantee acceptance of enrolment at Padua or Mt Alvernia.  

Families with older siblings enrolled at either Padua or Mt Alvernia does not guarantee acceptance of enrolment of younger siblings at St Anthony's.

In recognition of the importance of the relationship between the Catholic School and the Parish Community, and with due reference to Archdiocesan policies and practices, the following criteria are adopted to establish priorities for accepting enrolments.

Enrolment Priority Criteria

  1. Siblings of students already enrolled at and attending St Anthony’s  (siblings enrolled at Padua or Mt Alvernia is not a Criteria 1 enrolment) 
  2. Child is a Baptised Catholic whose family can demonstrate ongoing involvement in the life, worship and service of the Parish of Kedron and reside within the parish boundaries.
  3. Child is a Baptised Catholic whose family can demonstrate ongoing involvement in the life, worship and service of the Parish of Kedron and reside outside the parish boundaries.
  4. Child is a Baptised Catholic whose family can demonstrate ongoing involvement in the life, worship and service of another Parish outside of Kedron.
  5. Child, though not Baptised Catholic, belongs to a family with a demonstrated affiliation with Christian values and traditions residing within Parish boundaries.
  6. Child, though not Baptised Catholic, belongs to a family with a demonstrated affiliation with Christian values and traditions residing outside Parish boundaries.

The Principal may exercise discretion regarding applications where pastoral considerations apply, and therefore, may determine a child’s eligibility beyond the stated criteria.

When the number of Catholic applicants exceeds the places available in the school, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Catholic Church commitment, (e.g. practice, sacramental program; parish involvement)
  • Commitment to Catholic Education
  • Proximity to the school
  • Parental expectations
  • Student's past record of learning and behaviour​


Please click here for the Archdiocesan Parish Area​

Conditions of Enrolment

  1. Families accept the St Anthony’s School enrolment policy.
  2. The student participates in the school curriculum which includes nine key learning areas, camps, excursions and sport.
  3. Parents commit to:
    • ​Continue their involvement in the life, worship and service of the parish and give their child every opportunity to experience the fullness of their faith.
    • Support and encourage the living out of the Gospel values.
    • Accept and support all school policies and procedures, including uniform and behaviour, to ensure effective management of school and safety and welfare of children and visitors.
    • Working in cooperation with school personnel for the benefit of the child.
    • Payment of school fees and charges.
    • Taking responsibility to disclose all relevant information regarding a child’s diverse needs at time of making application for enrolment.
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© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Anthony’s School, Kedron (2023)